
Friday, November 19, 2010

Paraty Piggyback Ride.. On Video!

You can watch it here (that scene at about 4:15). Or the clip below with just those moments.

 And check out the pictures from that day too!

via source


  1. omde é este lugar é no brasil em paraty??

  2. Ha, she nearly took his shorts with her! We wish!

  3. I wonder how many more videos they have of Rob and KRisten for we are getting new pictures daily.

  4. I wonder how these papz got so close. I do however, enjoy Kristen riding on the back of Robert. No wonder those trunks were so low. Cute but instrusive. I feel giddy and guilty at the same time. Ying and Yang, but whats a woman to do?

  5. @iluvthemovies, i know!? i feel bad for him now. the crack shot wasn't his doing. and kristen almost gave the world a show!

  6. The paps didn't get that close. They just had powerful lens.

  7. @anonymous 3:11 even if the papz did not get close, the shots are intrusive just the same. I will not be a hypocrite and say I did not enjoy every photo posted but as Iluvthemovies said, those were guilty pleasures we have all experienced in Rio. Hugs to my favs and looking forward to whatever news we will hear about the fabulous duo.

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