
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Rob & Kristen Hounded By Photographers On Day 2 of Coachella

We've added a couple of fan pics.

#ladies #be #jealous! #lmao. #RobertPattinson @ #COACHELLA #2013! #twilight #vampire #eyes. #work #on #a #saturday. #breakingdawn #and #idk. #lmao



Famous Weekly

#coachella spotting: #Robsten rocking out to #hotchip coachella #kstew & #rpatz


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  1. Very disappointed that Robert Pattinson is still with the cheater . I cannot still believe it .

  2. if thi two look like a couple then I never saw a happy real couple in my life! SOMEBODY PLEASE help this two they are miserable to be around each other let them go finish their contract:)) they asking ppl help them but nody realise what they are asking! very sad I think Kristen need mum advice I dont know how can she stand watch her daughter go through this! I have no word Rob he looks worst than her!he kept his fist ver hard to not to hit her I guess Kristen always look smiling and happy around Tamra, Alicia and all her friends but she has really miserable face when she s with Rob :0 nonsense Well well maybe there are out there ppl who understand them let them be free! RK need more prayers I guess!
