
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Rob Returns To LA After Holiday Break In London

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  1. He seems really tired of the whole celebrity thing. I think he really just wants to be him, without the stalking or the cameras. I bet in a way he regrets doing the twilight sagas, and thats horrible. I hope he finds happiness.

  2. I seriously doubt he is not happy with the millions of dollars and fame. He has enough to live the rest of his life and do what he pleases and he does a good job of avoiding the paps.
    Carry on you lucky guy.

  3. secondo me quando arrivi al livello di fama mondiale nel quale è arrivato lui, ti cambiano completamente le prospettive e i punti di vista. Una volta magari avrebbe desiderato tanto ardentemente questa fama, oggi che è riuscito ad ottenerla però, si rende conto di ciò che aveva prima, della privacy che ha perso, e preferirebbe ritornare nell'anonimato (e da qui possiamo dedurre il perchè della sua orripilante barba)... come dice la mitica Vanoni "si muore un po' per poter vivere"...

  4. Destiny has given him this path to walk. He is still so young and has had to carry many burdens early. He is brave enough to try many things, some of which he may regret, but it's all part of the road map. His intelligence, self-examination, and sincerety will guide him. And the money he's earned, while bringing with it public scrutiny, has also given him immense freedom.
