
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Lucky London: New Fan Picture Of Rob Today

Margavitali: And then you decide to go out for a beer, and meet Robert Pattinson #RobertPattinson #twilight #luckynight #luckygirl #Londonlife

Friday, December 13, 2013

New Film For Rob, Update On 'Mission: Blacklist'

This has been an exciting week for fans, as we found out Rob has signed on to star in The Childhood of a Leader. Read all the details at Variety//The Aesthete. The film is supposed to start production in May.

We also have an update on Mission: Blacklist from the man Rob will play. Eric Maddox talked to Fox News (at 4:35) and KGOU (at 13:25) about the film.

Hopefully as these projects get closer we have a better idea on what is happening when. Stay tuned for the latest!