
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"You Belong With Me Edward Cullen" - Behind The Scenes

Dozens of 'Twilight' related fan-made videos hit YouTube daily. Most, are your run-of-the-mill "hot Edward pictures" "Bella & Edward forever" kind. But once in a while, a fan video comes along that really captures the passionate nature of fans of the series.

Such is the case with April's video: "You Belong With Me -Edward Cullen."

We were so taken by this fan-made video, that we decided to find out a little bit more about it by going to the source:

How did you come up with the idea to make this video, and how long did it take you to put it together (edit, such)?

April: "Anything 'Twilight' related was all over my room, so I decided to film something that would show that. It took me just one day to film, and about an hour-and-a-half to edit everything and post it on YouTube."

It looks like you had a partner in crime, filming some of the scenes. Can you tell us who that was, other than obviously cut-out Edward Cullen?

April: "My friend Khrisha came over to hang out and I was like "I'm making a funny music video wanna film me walking with Edward down the street?" Everything else was on a tripod. Khrisha only had the camera when I was walking down the street with my EdwarD Cullen cut-out."

Does your room really look like that?, and exactly how many posters of Rob are in there?

April: "Yes, my room looks exactly like that. Except more posters now. I started putting some up on the ceiling. Every wall is covered with a 'Twilight' related poster. I don't know exactly how many Rob posters I have. I seriously tried to count them, lost track at 2-hundred something."

What do your friends and family think about the video, and your dedication to all things 'Twilight?'

April: "My family doesn't really know I'm a HUGE 'Twilight' fan (RPN: really?!?). Only some cousins know. My friends are speechless and can't believe that's what's in my room. People talk about my video at my school."

What has been the feedback on YouTube to your video?

April: "I've been getting good comments, also many messages from different countries about what's in my room. Especially all the Twifans out there."

What is it about Edward that brings out this creative streak in you?

April: "Well, I've just been doing parody videos before twilight was big. It's just a hobby and since I know most people know about Twilight and the cast members, I decided to do a parody for it. I'm Team Edward so I had to make Edward Cullen the star. The song "You Belong With Me" by Taylor Swift was just perfect for my video because I'm saying I want to be with Edward and Bella shouldn't be with him. But I don't hate Bella. I like her. For twifans, their dreams are to be with someone like Edward or Jacob" (RPN: Edward.. it's always been Edward).

April's parodies also include "I kissed a Vampire" and "This is my Twilight Song."

Thanks for being such a good sport and answering our questions April!

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